

 When it comes to my experience with language and literacy, a moment in my life that I can remember is knowing how to speak Spanish because its like my first language but not knowing how to read or write in that language. That’s the language my family speaks and how I commutate in my household with my mom & etc. One specific moment for me was when I was tasked with learning a second language through an online platform. The experience was both challenging and beneficial for me. I struggled to grasp the new vocabulary and For example when I was in high school I had to take Spanish. However, reading in Spanish got better for me over the years but not so much in writing. I never really learned how to read or write it. Speaking Spanish growing up wasn’t hard at all. When reflecting on my experiences with Spanish, both in speaking and listening, as well as in literacy with reading and writing, a particular challenge stands out. The difficulty I faced in reading and writing in this language. This struggle was not just a passing problem rather, it was a significant hurdle that shaped my journey with Spanish. The frustration of struggling to read and write in Spanish was annoying because I thought it was easy. It was a constant reminder of my obstacle and a source of self-doubt. However, despite the obstacles, there were also instances of personal growth and perseverance. Looking back, while the difficulty of reading and writing in Spanish was undoubtedly a significant challenge, it was also a catalyst for growth and learning. It taught me the importance of patience, persistence, and resilience in the face of adversity. Its a very strong language. Ultimately, it highlighted the idea that mastering a language involves more than just learning linguistic skills; it’s also about embracing the journey of discovery and self-expression. I remember feeling overwhelmed because I thought I was gonna fail the Spanish course. Facing failure in a Spanish class despite having a basic grasp of the language can feel extremely disheartening and overwhelming. The pressure of academic expectations, coupled with the disappointment of not meeting them, created a sense of unease and self-doubt. As I struggled with the feelings of fear of failure, I found myself questioning my abilities and my commitment to learning Spanish. The idea of failing despite my existing knowledge was intimidating, and it weighed heavily on me. I reminded myself that failure is not a reflection of one’s capabilities but rather an opportunity for growth and strength. Recognizing that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process helped relieve some of the pressure I was experiencing. Using my past experiences with Spanish, I looked for ways to improve and developed strategies to overcome my challenges. I sought extra help from tutors, spent more time studying, and tried new learning techniques. My goal was to turn my setback into a chance for growth. Looking back, I came to understand that failure isn’t a dead-end, by embracing the lessons failure taught me and using them to fuel my determination, I grew stronger and more resilient. Despite the difficulties along the way, mastering Spanish proved to be worthwhile, with each obstacle overcome adding to the journey’s value. for better or worse, various individuals and circumstances influenced the development of my languages and literacies. Family members, teachers at school, peers, and community members all played significant roles in shaping my linguistic abilities. Within my family, my parents’ encouragement and exposure to multiple languages from a young age laid the foundation for my language development. Outside of formal education, my community environment also played a crucial role. Interacting with diverse cultural groups exposed me to different languages and ways of communication. My specific life circumstances, including socio-economic status, geographic location, and access to resources, also influenced my literacy development. For instance, growing up in a bilingual household provided a natural environment for language acquisition, educational opportunities facilitated literacy growth. Overall, exposure, practice, and adapting to different situations helped me. My language proficiency, reading comprehension, and writing skills have exerted significant social influences and shaped my life circumstances in various ways. It was a good thing because it taught me how to talk to my family and even in my job or how to commutate to others that speak Spanish. These accomplishment have several benefits. They improve communication in personal, academic, and professional settings. Additionally, strong reading and writing skills give me access to great amounts of information, allow me to make informed decisions and explore mental interests. My language and literacy journey is closely connected to broader social realities, like my family background, generational influences, cultural identity, and societal norms. Being part of a specific generation, gender, race, and cultural community, my journey with language and literacy. My experience with language and literacy is deeply tied to the bigger picture of my life, including my family background, the era I’m living in, and the society I’m a part of. Factors like my generation, gender, race, and cultural identity all shape how I navigate language and literacy. And these experiences are influenced by the historical context, where I live, and the socio-political landscape around me.

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